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Audra Krieg
May 15, 20183 min read
Cori Riddle - Outer Banks Mom Spotlight
We’re celebrating the incredible Mom’s here on the Outer Banks and day two of our Outer Banks Mom Spotlight series is shining on the...

Audra Krieg
May 14, 20183 min read
Renee Landry - Outer Banks Mom Spotlight
When I first moved to the Outer Banks, I knew that I had arrived in paradise. I knew that it was a beautiful place geographically but I...

Audra Krieg
May 11, 20182 min read
Gratefulness on Friday.
Distant thunderstorms late last night and the steady light-rain means that our family all slept great last night and we're up early and...

Audra Krieg
Apr 19, 20181 min read
Rock-A-Bye Baby Celebrates 20 Years!
Outer Banks Mom is proud to shop at Rock A Bye Baby in Nags Head. The iconic store celebrates 20 years in 2018! Congrats!

Audra Krieg
Mar 22, 20184 min read
Taking a Vacation From Vacation
People always ask me why I take vacations when I already live at the beach and honestly 10 years ago, I would have asked myself the same...

Audra Krieg
Mar 19, 20181 min read
Kindness Rocks!
If there is one awesome way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the little ones, it’s with Kindness Rocks! We are absolutely loving the...

Audra Krieg
Feb 11, 20182 min read
Eloise Moves Out.
Yes, you read that right! Eloise moves out! And it's happening this week! We're officially kicking the little bugger out of our room...

Audra Krieg
Feb 7, 20182 min read
Happy Valentine's Day! Love, The Outer Banks
I might sound a bit like a broken record but when it comes to giving gifts, the Outer Banks is THE BEST place to shop! So with...

Audra Krieg
Jan 17, 20185 min read
Outer Banks to Disney World - Less than $1500!
Ahh… Disney World. Most moms have priced it out at least once in their lives and like me, looked at the price tag for a 3-4 day trip for...

Audra Krieg
Nov 21, 20172 min read
Heart of the Holiday
If you happened to catch my husband and I on HGTV last Summer then you heard me say, "The kitchen is the heart of our home" like ten...

Audra Krieg
Nov 16, 20175 min read
I don’t know about you guys but I have been in the mood to break out my Christmas decor since we walked in the door from Trick or...

Audra Krieg
Sep 26, 20175 min read
Hurricane Prep - Mama Style
True to form, the National Hurricane Center starts naming storms and I start cleaning my house. So naturally when Hurricane Irma started...

Audra Krieg
Aug 25, 20173 min read
Back to School - Shop Local
With limited shopping options on the beach we are rounding up the best local stores for Back to School shopping! Knowing that our weather...

Audra Krieg
Jun 26, 20176 min read
A Season to Splash!
I’ll be the first to admit it. I moved to the Outer Banks seven years ago to get away from the hustle. I high tailed it out of suburbia...

Audra Krieg
Feb 13, 20179 min read
Eloise Rose
If You Want to Hear God Laugh, Tell Him Your (Birth)Plan. I love birth stories. I mean, I really really love birth stories and I don’t...

Audra Krieg
Dec 9, 20162 min read
For the Love of Seashells (and Grandparents!)
Our kiddos are so incredibly lucky to have SIX amazing grandparents. We have always tried our best to teach our kids to be good gift...

Audra Krieg
Nov 23, 20163 min read
Our Coastal Thanksgiving - Outer Banks Style
The holidays are rapidly approaching and we're gearing up to host Thanksgiving here on the Outer Banks! We have hosted Thanksgiving every...

Audra Krieg
Oct 19, 20163 min read
All About Fall - Upcoming Family Fun on the Outer Banks
So often I am asked the same question about life on the Outer Banks: What do you guys do in the off season? Is there anything going on...

Audra Krieg
Oct 17, 20163 min read
Nothing Dirty About Thirty.
Our kiddos get so excited for their birthdays. Year after year, they look forward to a day of being spoiled and celebrated and of course,...

Audra Krieg
Sep 29, 20163 min read
Mom Time.
Mom Time... Mom Guilt... same thing, right? But why? This is something I truly struggle with and probably not for the reason that you...
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Highly caffeinated Ramblings from an Outer banks mom who prioritizes family, waves and laughter.
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